Michael Lee
I'm a senior majoring in Biology and minoring in English and Sociology. I'm interested in both research and medicine and hope to end up at the intersection of the two. In my free time, I love traveling, lifting, playing piano/guitar, profusely eating, or going to museums to pretend like I can appreciate art.
L's Taken
"Thank you for applying but..."
Things I thought I'd finish but never did
Everyday L's of life
Dropping my phone
Losing my keys
Paying too much money for food
On the Bright Side
Memories I made when I wasn't working/studying
Playing volleyball in K-Ville
Late night Cookout runs
Karaoke with friends
Jam sesh with friends
Attending impossible dance workshops
Snowboarding in West Virginia
Watching the sunset at Maple View
Things I've learned that will still matter in 10 years
Don't take relationships for granted
Value your own time
The path to what you want may not always be what you expect
Stay true to yourself
Habits start with baby steps
TV shows, movies, and books I've enjoyed
Demon Slayer
Queen's Gambit
Squid Game
Schindler's List
Shutter Island
Shakespeare Sonnets
Things I'm proud of that you won't see on my resume
My sightreading
Surviving double swim practices daily for years
My brother
Things I want to get better at
Things I'm looking forward to in the future
Small joys in my life
Iced vanila latte from Liturgy
Spotify premium
Two Roosters ice cream
Meeting new people
A freshly cleaned bedroom
Learning a new song on piano/guitar
Obstacles I have overcome
Things I've done that pushed me out of my comfort zone
Failures that seemed like the end of the world back then but don't matter in hindsight
Ways I take care of myself
A lift sesh
Splurge on good food
Face masks
Playing piano at the Wellness center
Walking the Al Buehler Trail
Unconventional skills
Double-jointed fingers
Can play piano upside down
Can make water droplet sound with mouth