McKenna Vernon
My name is McKenna and I'm in Duke's Class of 2024! I'm an Environmental Engineering major minoring in Spanish and trying to get the Global Development Engineering certificate. I'm from Durham, so even though I'm not that far from home (as in very close), it's still fun to be in a city that I like, share a birthday with (according to the General Assembly), and always love learning more about. In the future, I want to help improve clean water access by making water treatment technologies more accessible to communities, and my favorite part of Duke is always meeting kind, inspiring, and intelligent people.
L's Taken
"Thank you for applying but..."
you were rejected for a job that's interview was 10 minutes max and 90% just asking your availability.
Things I thought I'd finish but never did
Starting some business after being semi-inspired by one I&E webinar and doing pEDGE
MANY books... (I still have hope!)
Everyday L's of life
On the Bright Side
Memories I made when I wasn't working/studying
Hosting a very fun karoake night after almost cancelling 10 minutes before, and having a great time in the end
Watching Night at the Museum IN a museum
Having a 6 hour dinner and talk with friends telling each other any and everything (what happens at the table stays at the table)
A semi-disruptive prank war that I admit defeat in
Going to my first concert!
Thing I've learned that will still matter in 10 years
The quality of friends, not the quantity
TV shows, movies, and books I've enjoyed
The Incredibles
A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Beach Read by Emily Henry
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry
Arrested Development
Total Drama Island
Hunter X Hunter
Things I'm proud of that you won't see on my resume
Things I want to get better at
Things I'm looking forward to in the future
Small joys in my life
Seeing the moon during the daytime and taking a great picture
Fries that are just crisp enough from Krafthouse
Spontaneous picnics when it's nice outside
Rediscovering a song that has really good memories or is just REALLY good
Someone texting me something saying it made them think of me
Sorbet/Gelato from Cafe
Obstacles I have overcome
Physics 152...
Being unnecessarily intimidated by professors (now I'm just the right amount of intimidated)
Fear of asking questions in class