Jing Liu
Hi everyone! My name is Jing Liu, and I am a freshman from Fairfax, Virginia looking to major in neuroscience and interested in computational biology. I am also one of Duke Anti-Resume's team members this semester.
L's Taken
"Thank you for applying but..."
Multiple acapella groups
StreetMed lol
A lot of colleges
Things I thought I'd finish but never did
Such a Fun Age -- class of 2025 was supposed to read this but I only got through the first three chapters for some reason.
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Multiple k-drama shows
Everyday L's of life
Depression and anxiety.
Current existential crisis about pre-med.
Missing the C1.
Getting on the Swift instead of the C1 on accident.
The WU doors have no business being that heavy.
On the Bright Side
Memories I made when I wasn't working/studying
Going to 2020 Duke Commencement this past September! My brother (Ray Liu '19, go check out his Anti-Resume!) has a lot of friends in class of 2020, so he came to Duke to visit and I got to meet his friends and see Ken Jeong's speech.
Adding onto the previous point, my brother has visited me multiple times this year. We are very close, and now that I am attending his alma mater, we have become even closer in the past year.
PowerPoint night with friends
Things I've learned that will still matter in 10 years
Mental health is more important than academics! I myself am still in the process of fully embracing this, but it's true. Take care of yourselves. :)
Cherish the relationships you have in your life.
Be your authentic self.
TV shows, movies, and books I've enjoyed
Hidden Figures (women of color in STEM!)
Pitch Perfect (first one is the best)
Becoming by Michelle Obama
Our Beloved Summer
Things I'm proud of that you won't see on my resume
Shutting down the internal mental health stigma I had against myself
Finding a therapist :)
I learned some German on Duolingo (Hallo! Ich heiße Jing.)
Thing I want to get better at
Ice skating! I quit ice skating in elementary school, but I really want to pick it back up again soon.
Things I'm looking forward to in the future
Small joys in my life
Weather when its in the mid-70s, the sun is out, and there is a light breeze
Cheese duck
Keeping in touch with high school friends
Obstacles I have overcome
I didn't start talking until I was four years old -- it took a lot of effort to get to where I am today.
Going to a competitive high school. Although I developed my work ethic at this school, the competition really takes a toll mentally. For me personally, my brother also went to the same high school as me, so I was exposed to the competitive toxicity at an early age, long before I even attended. This is one of the main reasons why I decided to join Duke Anti-Resume.
Thing I've done that pushed me out of my comfort zone
Auditioning for StreetMed even though I blanked for 90% of the audition.
Failure that seemed like the end of the world back then but doesn't matter in hindsight
Not getting into UVA. Look at where I'm at now; I guess that didn't really matter, did it.
Ways I take care of myself
Unconventional skills
I have perfect pitch.
I can sing the alphabet backwards.
I can sing whistle tones (when my throat feels good).
One time I was stuck with the hiccups for 8 hours straight nonstop, so I guess I'm really good at hiccuping for long periods of time.