I am a sophomore who is considerate, curious, and (usually) ready for an adventure!
L's Taken
"Thank you for applying but..."
Thing I thought I'd finish but never did
Learning how to play guitar
Everyday L's of life
On the Bright Side
Memory I made when I wasn't studying/working
TENTING. NO REGRETS. So many memories!!
Things I've learned that will still matter in 10 years
Learning how to speak up for myself
Learning how to ask for help
Learning that everything will pass
Learning that human connection is essential and the core of wellbeing and happiness (thanks covid for teaching me this one)
TV shows, movies, and books I've enjoyed
Book: Small Great Things - Jodi Picoult
TV Series: Imposters
Thing I'm proud of that you won't see on my resume
Going out of my way to help others
Things I want to get better at
Believing in my own abilities
Accepting imperfections
Embracing my strengths
Owning discomfort
Being comfortable with not knowing what the future holds
Things I'm looking forward to in the future
Memories and laughs with friends
New friendships and connections
Small joys in my life
Hot beverages when you're cold
The warmth of sunshine
That perfect temperature in the upper 70s
When you expect it to be cold but it's pleasantly warm
When someone compliments something you're insecure or unsure about
Meaningful compliments
Helping others. Being kind to others. Smiling at others. Connecting with others. Going out of your way to make someone feel seen or heard. This one is huge.
Obstacle I've overcome
Being a low-income student at Duke
Things I've done that pushed me out of my comfort zone
Coming to Duke
Confronting my roommate
Cold contacting
Asking for help
Failures that seemed like the end of the world back then but don't matter in hindsight
Ways I take care of myself
Unconventional skills
Really good at seasoning food
Can make a damn good stir fry
Can fall asleep practically anywhere
Can run 18 miles